La Campagna - Restaurant, Catering & Gourmet Gifts

27337 Detroit Rd - Westlake, OH
Reservations, Catering, Gourmet Gifts
Call - 440-871-1771
Hours:Tues. - Sat. 5/9 pm
Menu changes daily, pending market availability.


Food Is...

Family, Tradition, Memories, Flavors, Gatherings, Laughter, Life, Vitality, Comfort...Love.

Dec 11, 2008

Feast of the 7 Fishes

As long as we can remember, our family has celebrated Christmas Eve with great preparation and excitement around the Fish Dinner. In fact, we love it so much, typically we make another meal on the weekend following, so we can eat all of those yummy dishes we love.

The Italians celebrate the night before Christmas, or Vigilia, in grand style. There is a huge 7 course meal prepared using 7 different fishes. The reason for fish is due to the common held belief that no meat/dairy should be consumed on such a holy night. When Catholics prepare for Holy Events, usually they fast to prepare and cleanse the physical body. Fasting has taken on many forms, from no food to little bread and water to the more common held tradition of fish only, no meat or dairy.

There are a couple of different theories regarding the use of the number 7. Many believe it is to symbolize the Sacraments or virtues; while others see it as Heaven on Earth, meaning the 3 heavenly bodies coming down on earth, (4), and putting 3 and 4 together for a total of 7. Kind of stretching it a bit, but just a couple of different meanings. There are others who may also do 9, 11 or 13 fishes. It all depends on the region and the tradition held in each family.

Each Region in Italy follows their own traditions and recipes. But the common themes of celebrating a meal comprised of at least 7 fishes remain.

Our Regions of Puglia, has many dishes prepared with olive oil. The Puglia Region is praised for its olive oil, so this is a featured ingredient.

Our family tradition is one we love to share. Each year, we hold a Feast of the 7 Fishes at the Restaurant. It has become so popular, we added another seating to accommodate 2 nights dedicated to this tradition. We always seem to sell out as soon as the dates are confirmed, so mark your calendars for 2009!

The menu this year:

Seafood Salad
Stuffed Squid Poached in White Wine
Tuna Rolatini
Shrimp Skewers
Scallops in Creamed Brandy Sauce with Lobster
Orange Roughy Florentine

As tradition in our home dictates a plate of homemade cookies and coffee follow. There is typically a lot of festive cheer to be shared by all and last week our guests were treated to Father Tony of Our Lady of Mount Caramel. He was gracious enough to lead the guests in a prayer.

Again, it is a pleasure to share our family traditions with our guests. We love the family table of togetherness and Christmas certainly is one of the crowing meals in Italian Families.

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