La Campagna - Restaurant, Catering & Gourmet Gifts

27337 Detroit Rd - Westlake, OH
Reservations, Catering, Gourmet Gifts
Call - 440-871-1771
Hours:Tues. - Sat. 5/9 pm
Menu changes daily, pending market availability.


Food Is...

Family, Tradition, Memories, Flavors, Gatherings, Laughter, Life, Vitality, Comfort...Love.

Jul 5, 2009

Strong Family Ties

Today was a rough day for Carmella and Michael, as they said good bye to their relatives. "So emotional, not knowing when we will be back to see everyone again," said Carmella. One of our cousins is 83 and he just broke down and cried. This is part of the process, when we go to see our relatives. There is much laughter, conversation, photos sharing, meals enjoyed and gifts exchanged. Then the tears come as the time to part draws near.

Angela one of the travel companions was really struck by these close family ties. The love and outpouring of hospitality is evident. This is our heritage. This is what family is for us. Family is a strong bond that keeps the fabric of our ancestry alive in our hearts.

Carmella did mention that she has 5 recipes from Orsara in need of translation...looks like the first grandchild, will be dusting off her Italian, she studied in College, to give it a go!

One night, they ventured to Medina for dinner. After talking with family today, they discovered, one of our cousins makes the pasta for the Restaurant Medina. So when they were dining on the mini ravioli stuffed with Ricotta Cheese, they were eating one of our cousins specialties! The photo is of the interior of the restaurant, Medina.

Today was also a great day for interviews, as Mike Di Lauro was able to interview more shepherds from Orsara. One of our cousins was able to find a translator to make the interview go smoothly. It will be terrific to view the finished product!

Tomorrow they head off to Abruzzo for more exploration and filming. Until then, Bouna Notte!~

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