La Campagna - Restaurant, Catering & Gourmet Gifts

27337 Detroit Rd - Westlake, OH
Reservations, Catering, Gourmet Gifts
Call - 440-871-1771
Hours:Tues. - Sat. 5/9 pm
Menu changes daily, pending market availability.


Food Is...

Family, Tradition, Memories, Flavors, Gatherings, Laughter, Life, Vitality, Comfort...Love.

Sep 24, 2015

Off to Orvieto

Taking a long and winding dirt road from the Villa, we journey to Orvieto.  More picturesque countryside and vineyards, camp grounds and woods.  There is a large body of water with a damn which stands out along our trip. 
Orvietto lies in the south east of the province of Terni. At the foot of the cliff run two subsidiary rives of Tevere, Paglia and Chiani,whilst the historic center rises up on vast platform above the valley beneath. At the northern border is Monte Peglia and Orvietto itself has about 21000 inhabitants. 
 Santa Maria Assunta is the Cathedral of Orvietto and one of the most treasured monuments of Gothic style in Italy.  It was started in 1290 and preserves the miracle of Bolsena.  The design is originally from Fra Bevignate da Perugia, who supervised the work of Giovanni Uguccione. 

There is a blood stained cloth from a  Bohemian priest  Pietro of Praga beautified bleeding of consecrated host.  The event is commemorated every year in the majestic procession of Corpus Christi.  The shrine of the covenant is in the form of the facade of the Duomo, a magnificent work of Gothic goldsmith. The Duomo was under restoration but the beauty inside words to describe. The way the church is built gives you an optical illusion that it is much larger then it are some photos from the inside of the church. 

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